Sunday, August 21, 2011


My 14 year old wanted pictures taken, so we went out this afternoon and shot some. Good looking kid if I do say so myself!  It was nice to take pictures again.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Trip to the Zoo

We had a great spring break day with the grandma and the Vinyard clan at the Topeka Zoo.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nieves Family

Damaris is a wonderful addition to my work day.  She is our ELL aide, working with all of my kiddos that speak a second language.  She works harder than most of the people in the building.  She wanted some family shots, hope she is happy with them......

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vinyard Family Pictures

So I attempted to take some family shots tonight.  Turned out terrible.  I am used to shooting one subject, and my settings were for that.  Most of them were not in focus.  Here are a few out of the many that are ok.  Bummer.....

Michigan 2010

Our trip to Michigan....  Maddie was in good form for such a long trip.  These were taken in Lake Michigan.  first time for her to see such a huge body of water.  She had an infection in her foot and couldn't go in the water, but she loved to play in the sand!